Creating a Space to Connect and Communicate with Leads

One of the best ways to build a loyal customer base is to create community around your brand. Community is what makes people feel like they are a part of something special, but it also drives engagement and improves customer relations. One great but often under-utilized way for brands to build community with customers and leads is with Facebook Groups. 


Facebook pages can sometimes feel like a one-way channel for brands to share updates. However, Facebook Groups are a place for users to connect and communicate not only with like-minded individuals, but also with the brand itself. It can also be a space for your VIPs to gain special access and deals!


Why do Facebook Groups Matter?

You might be thinking that Facebook Groups are passé or that they don’t have much to offer your brand. But there are four big-picture benefits of having a Facebook Group for your brand.


The first is that it gives you more organic reach. When the brand or members of the group are consistently posting in the group it helps feed the algorithm, pushing your brand up in visibility–which only works for public and private visible groups, but more on that in a minute.


The second benefit is that it gives you a direct line to your audience. Remember, when someone joins your group, it is because they want to hear from you! They are interested in your content and are even willing to be sold with a bit of nurturing (think of this as a type of opt-in to a lead generation funnel)! 


The third is that groups allow you to form deeper and more meaningful relationships with your customers. Groups allow you to connect on a more personal level, creating a community that builds loyalty and trust, both of which are key ingredients in getting conversions. 


The fourth benefit is insight. By asking your audience questions, you can learn more about what your customers want and what you can do to help. It also helps you monitor audience sentiment, get honest feedback, identify new target audiences, and much more. All this gives you valuable market research and insight on your broader target audience. 


Types of Facebook Groups and Which One You Should Pick

Now that you know the amazing benefits, let’s talk about the different types of Facebook Groups. Depending on your goals, this will help you pick which type of group is best for your brand. It’s also important to think about the type of privacy you want for your group because you can only change it in a few situations.


Public Groups

Public groups are discoverable in search results for everyone. The group’s content is also public, including what members post and comment. Users can join your group without approval from an administrator, giving a “we don’t lock the front doors around here” vibe. 


There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to public groups. First is that since anyone can join, spammers can hit your group. So you’ll need to pay close attention and delete any inappropriate spam or content that could negatively impact your brand image. If your Facebook Page becomes large with lots of activity, you’ll want to have a dedicated group of admins who can help filter out this inappropriate content.


Public groups can also be changed into a private one later on. However, that change can only happen once as you can’t go back to public once it’s a private group. Our advice is to choose private from the start to make your life easier. 


Private Groups

There are 2 types of private groups: visible and hidden.


Visible private groups only allow members to see posts and comments within the group, as well as the member list, but all Facebook users can find these groups in Facebook search results. Only your group title and description are shown in search results if they match the keywords a user typed into the search bar. Users can ask to join your group, and you or another admin must approve their request. (You can also opt to have a questionnaire they must fill out when requesting to join, further helping to filter users.)  After they are approved, they will be able to see and post content. 


This is the best group for most businesses. It allows you to control membership and filter out spam bots while still being discoverable by your target audience. 


Hidden private groups are known as “secret groups.” They have the same features as the visible private group, except that they don’t show up in any search results. No one on or off Facebook can see group posts, comments, members, or find the group in search results if they are not a member. In order to see the group and ask to join, users must be given a direct URL. 


There are a few reasons why a business might choose a hidden private group. They make sense when you want to provide support to a group along with a paid service or specific product. This makes it so non-purchasers can’t sneak their way into your group. These could also be secret VIP groups, where you give deals and special access to your top loyal customers. These groups could also be an online meeting place for influencers that you work with, allowing you to help coordinate information and communicate with them. 


Tips for Using and Growing Your Customer Engagement

Now that you understand the basics of Facebook Groups, let’s look at a few tips to help you use them effectively.


  • Engage regularly–don’t take a back seat and observe interactions between users; your brand should spark conversations as well!
  • Ask for feedback–get a pulse on your community by asking questions and seeking product suggestions/improvements.
  • Create exclusive content–add value for members by giving them exclusive content that makes them feel like they are a part of something special (remember, these people are often your VIPs)!
  • Encourage user-generated content–get members to share photos of them using your products or to talk about your services in a positive way.


Final Thoughts

Remember, the goal of any Facebook Group for a brand is to build community. It can be used to nurture leads, build deeper relationships with super fans, and so much more. Facebook Groups have the ability to personalize the interactions between you and your brand, which can lead to higher conversions and profits.